Thursday, December 10, 2009
PLN 29
PLN 28
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
“Boy 'Clinging to Life' After Two-Day Search” by CBC news tells of a seven year old autistic child who went missing for a night, this is important because this sort of emergency shouldn't ever happen. The boy apparently followed his dog 1.3 miles away from his home where he became lost the woods. Autism a defect that slows people’s thinking. This boy was not ready to spend a night out sleeping on top of snow. Luckily, Hailfax Regional Search and Rescue found the boy and called in EHS LifeFlight to medivac the child to a hospital. Paramedics report that the child was severely hypothermic and they were lucky to find the child in the time they did. However this search mission was totally avoidable. In Colorado there is a program called Colorado Life Track (COLT) program where patients with autism or Alzheimer's wear wrist bands that send out a radio tracking signal that can be traced by SAR teams. COLT is used by various teams such as Arapahoe Rescue Patrol and Summit County Sheriff’s Office. The average time between a COLT call and a rescue is only 30 minuets instead of the 24 hours that this boy had to survive.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
PLN 20
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
PLN19 cross contry snowboarding
Sunday, November 1, 2009
PLN15 Google Advice
“Masked, armed robbers stick-up Springs eatery,” by Kieran Nicholson tells of a armed robbery that took place in Colorado Springs, this is important because it has been a method for criminals to commit centuries. for decades. Armed robbery has been a method for centuries that criminals use to obtain property while using a weapon. There have been many different generations of criminals ranging from the cowboys to during The Great Depression when John Dillinger stole from the banks. The point is that this same brutal method has been used and worked for hundreds of years. Law enforcement agencies and have tried to stop armed robbery by creating elite teams designed to stop the robberies like SWAT, and property owners have take steps to alert the Police if a robbery is taking place by using defenses like silent alarms. Even with all these technological advancements hooded men are still marching into banks and businesses demanding money, and getting away. If we really want to stop these crimes we need prevent it from the source somehow instead of just trying to stop the crimes once they happen.
Friday, October 30, 2009
PLN12: Footprints in the Digital Age
Sunday, October 25, 2009
PLN11 2020
In Karl Fisch’s video “2020 Vision,” he acts as if he is a speaker at a high school graduation in the year 2020, this is important because it predicts the future of learning. The video summarizes how education has changed from the year 2007 to 2020. In the 13 years much has changed, Google is as powerful as a country and education has changed entirely. Instead of going class to class students bring their own laptop and go through courses on their specific interests. Some of the students even stay at home and learn without ever leaving their room. According to the video the learning experience is in depth on the specific subject the pupil is interested in.
Monday, October 12, 2009
“Educational Leadership” “Tony Wagner” talks about how it is more important for teachers to teach the material so students understand it, instead of teaching it so they can pass a test. I can really connect to this article. Last year in Spanish 1 I did not understand most of the material. Instead of aiming to understand the language I aimed to get a passing grade in the class so I could move into Spanish 2 in high school. I did get the passing grade and my teacher agreed that if I passed her class I could move into Spanish 2 in high school. When the year started I quickly realized that it wasn’t enough to pass the class but it was necessary to understand the language to move up in the class. This relates to “Educational Leadership” because it is proof that teachers are teaching so their students get good grades instead of understanding the material.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
PLN10 Search and Rescue.
“Hiker Found after Spending a Night in the Freezing Cold,” by Dan Bonface of 9News tells of a story of a missing Hiker who was separated from his group, this is an important lesson to keep in mind, stay in pairs when in the backcountry. This Hiker was reported missing by his friends after they were somehow separated at the top of a 14 thousand foot mountain. Many Search and Rescue Teams were dispatched to
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Because most people don’t realize that soldiers do good deeds, and don’t just fight and kill, Tech. Sgt. Kerry Jackson of the 13th Air Force Public Affairs wrote an important article called “Airmen restore Vietnamese clinic during Pacific Angel” about a team of Air Force engineers rebuilding and repairing a medical clinic in Vietnam. Many people don’t give the troops respect for those fighting and dying so that regular people can sleep safely in their beds at night. These people sometimes even call the troops awful names like “baby killer.” Well, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors don’t just defend freedom; they also help people. There are many squadrons of different types of troops that are devoted strictly to saving lives, such as the Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers or the Air Force Combat Search and Rescue Teams. Not all of these soldiers help people in action. Some build houses, or like the engineer team mentioned in the article, build hospitals and clinics for underprivileged people. It does not surprise me that the same people who claim to hate the troops don’t even realize that they are also helping people and probably doing more good than the people who are doing the whining.
In Dr. Wesch’s video “A Vision of Students Today” shows that education is important. The video tells various facts from students like the fact they complete more hours of activities a day than there are hours in a day due to multi-tasking. The students also tell that many of their professors don’t know their name let alone the fact that they are in their class. If teachers don’t even know who is in their class how are they possibly going to give the student the help he or she needs?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
“Predator Crash in
I recently viewed a video that showed many easy ways to “hack” people’s computers, webcams, and printers. None of these “hacks” were more complicated than simply searching a code on Google. If anyone can do these simple “hacks” imagine what the expert “hacker” can do to a computer, or a robot of war.
I know that the military tools are protected by the best computer geniuses, but where ever there is a will there is a way. The bottom line is that we need to be very careful about how we use robots and the internet in general to protect us.
Monday, September 14, 2009
“What Did You Create Today?” by Will Richardson shows that how students treat school is what is important. For most students school is just about getting through the day, spending time with friends, or complaining about homework. Many students don’t understand that the things they learn in school are the same things that will use in real life. Will
PLN5 "What Matters"
Clive Thompson’s “New Literacy,” shows that the technological revolution is not a bad thing; it just needs to be looked at in a positive way. In the last generation people would grow up writing in school, but not after they graduated. Today, with all the advancements in technology and the use of text in most of that technology, people have a lot more motivation to write, and write correctly. Students will continue to text, Facebook, and Twitter, improving their literacy skills while doing so.
Monday, September 7, 2009
PLN4 "What Matters"
The video “The Machine is Using Us” by Dr. Wesch shows that how we treat the internet is important. When we post anything on the internet, we are supplying new information that a computer can learn. This sounds innocent enough, but recently many (if not all) countries are using the internet militarily. If we continue to teach computers new and mostly false information every time we make a post or upload a video, the internet could someday use the information in a bad way. In the movie “Stealth,” a computer-controlled warplane learns how to misbehave and goes to
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
PLN3: What Matters.
“Thornton motorcyclist dies in crash” from the Denver Post shows that safety is what is important. Unfortunately, today a 48 year old man died in a motorcycle accident. The Thornton man was not wearing a helmet when his bike hit a curb and he was launched through the air and received a head injury that led to his death. This is very unfortunate because had this man been wearing a helmet he might have survived. In cars the law is very strict by making people wear seatbelts. On motorcycles, however there is no seat belt, therefore some riders wear helmets, but it is not required by law. The government decided it would give bikers the freedom to choose but sometimes that can be very sad when people do no chose wisely.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
PLN2 "Quiet gender gap hits collegiate balance" The post editorials: Author unknown
“Women Raise bar at Colleges” by Tamar Lewin shows that men need to take schooling more seriously and that everyone’s education is what is important. Guys need to step it up and at least make the numbers fifty- fifty between boys and girls. For years the average family was funded by the father who goes to work every day, with the mother staying home and being with the children. Recently however, it seems that both the mother and the father go to work during the day in many families. If the men in our world slowly start to take schooling less and less seriously, the roles in a family may change. I am not saying that is necessarily a bad thing but that may change the world.
This change in men not trying hard enough may change many things for us (men). If colleges want to keep their balances of half men and half women they will want to let more guys in, in term being easier for a guy to get into college. This will also effect education because if girls are more likely to go to college then schools will concentrate on girls more because they might think the girls will be worth their time.
In conclusion, men need to take school more statistically, but for everyone the situation is different but the need to succeed is essential.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
PLN1 "Did You Know?"
I thought that "Did You Know?" by Karl Ficsh was very important because it showed how the world is changing and many people don't even realize it. Before I saw this movie I thought